Page name: Fellow Dragons [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-15 15:03:51
Last author: Dark Erk
Owner: Angelic nightmares
# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
D20: 7
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If your at this page, then you must be interested in joining. Well, pick your character, and fill out the information that’s required. If you want a part that’s not listed, then let me know, and I’ll add him/her. I hope you decide to stay. Please Do Not RP on this page. Do all RPing on The Dragons Lair

Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Played by: [Lithium Lullaby]
Name: Elsha
Appearance: long hair the color of fire, deep blue eyes. never will be seen wearing the color white.
History:Is true to her liniage. She is a Quelled Princess and was taken as wife to whomever should be king at the age of 19.
Skills (if any):She is skilled with a bow and is a good swordswoman. She is a very skilled toymaker as well.
Weapons (if any):A belt knife that she carries at her hip and a swoord infused with elvish magic, which is her namesake.

Prince (Queens Son)
Played by: []
Age: 19
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Princess (King’s Daughter)
Played by: [Angelic nightmares]
Name: Emma
Age: 18
Appearance: She has shoulder length brown hair. Pale skin, and dark smokey-blue eyes. She has a pet Dragon named Aspen. And a wolf cub named Austin.
History: Her mother died, when she was 7, and soon after her father remarried. She fell in love with the Stable Boy, but because he wasn’t of royal blood, they had to keep their love a secret. She’s determined to be with Hiro, even if that means running away. Her father gave her Aspen, as a 8th birhday gift. She found and adopted Austin when she was 5.
Skills (if any): Shape-shifting, highly skilled in magick,
Weapons (if any): Bow and Arrows, Swords, Daggers, anything she can get her hands on.

Stable Boy (Emma’s love)
Played by: [Dark Erk]
Name: Hiro
Age: 19
Appearance: A muscular young man that works in Emma's father's stable. Tanned, blonde hair and blue eyes. 5'8"
History: When his mother and sister were murdered on his sixth birthday, he began a hunt for the man who killed them. He stumbled upon this castle and has since been working in the stables. Shortly after his thirteenth birthday he and Emma fell in love, but were forced to keep it a secret.
Skills (if any): Highly skilled in the use of Anima and Dark Magick, very proficient in the use of blades, as well as his bare hands. 
Weapons (if any): Magick, hands, and daggers.

Court Jester
Played by: [-dot-]
Name: Tsunaron de Monet
Age: 24
Appearance: tall, skinny, sorta goofey looking guy.
Skills (if any): inane ability to make people laugh
Weapons (if any): none

Dragon Summoner
Played by: [night shade]
Appearance:little is known about his apperance because his face is always covered by his cloak
History:he first learned of his powers when his family was in trouble as soon as there village heard of this he was kidnapped by the master of a summoning school and there he stayed until today to help merchants and royals 
Skills (if any): intermedite magic special magic: Shadow dragon
Weapons (if any):always carrys his sword made of an steel blade and a dragon mouth handle which he got after fighting a noble to the death

Head White Witch
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Head Dark Witch
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Fairy Queen
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Fairy King
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Chief of the Army
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Town Healer
Played by: [KnightAngel]
Name: D'aron Mirshann
Age: Looks 22
Appearance: Very young due to his abilities that also covers his own body and it's natural aging, bright blue eyes and pure white hair that is put in a loose ponytail and goes halfway down his back, youthfull cheerful face, a pure white robe with a leatherbelt with some pouches here and there that is filled with herbs and other healing tools, such as vials with liquids need for healingspells or for special wounds or other disease, slender built and is a bit pale due to his work normally mostly is done inside his hut.
History: Trained in a very secret and yet highly famous school for healing before he came to town.
Skills (if any): Healing, herbology, chemistry (includes herbmixing)
Weapons (if any): None.

Great Enchanter
Plated by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Great Enchantress
Played by: [Prater]
Name: Vala, her familar is a black wolf named Beleg
Appearance:5'0, waist length jet black hair with two white streaks, fair skin, one piercing green eye and the other the deepest blue (although one is cover by her hair), has a cross like tattoo on her right forefinger knuckle and another just like it by her left eye and a tribal tattoo on the back of her neck. Her usually wears a corset under a tunic, tight travelling pants, worn (combat-like) boots and a long cloak
Skills (if any):highly skilled in Telepathy and Telekinesis, elemental magick. Trained in many arts.....
Weapons (if any):A short sword, bow, 7 daggers placed very well over her body.

High Priest
Played by: []
Skills (if any):
Weapons (if any):

High Priestess
Played by: [Bookwyrm] (Sorry...changed my mind suddenly)
Name: Aine Morrigan LeFay
Age: 17-??? (Throughout the period of the year she gets older and younger depending on the season)
Appearance: Long white hair, a few streaks of black running through it. Short, slender yet voluptuous build, fair, pale eyes. Usually wears flowing garments made of fairly transparent fabric, golden jewelry, has two lengthy scars upon her back.
History: Unavailable.
Skills (if any): White Magick, skilled in Dark Magick (but too noble to use it), very skilled in the art of the spear, telepathy, prophecy, can become a raven, crow, or deer at will. Human shapeshifting.
Weapons (if any): Two black spears with white veins running all the way from the metal down to the blunt. Magickal explosives. Various marksman weapons.

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2006-01-17 [Prater]: umm how can the Queen only be 21 when her son is 19?

2006-01-17 [night shade]: lol dude its a fantasy

2006-01-17 [Prater]: but c'mon now....a 2 year old mother?

2006-01-18 [Bookwyrm]: Ahahahaha...that's a really good point >.< Well...maybe he's adopted >.< but illegally >.< so no one knows...and everyone thinks the Queen is older than she is/thinks the son is younger than he is.

2006-01-18 [Lorric]: have you heard of ambrosia?

2006-01-18 [Bookwyrm]: The plant? The person? The what?

2006-01-18 [Lorric]: there's a person???

2006-01-18 [Bookwyrm]: Well I'm sure there's a person named Ambrosia...and I'm pretty sure there was a goddess named Ambrosia. But did you mean the plant?

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: the fruit.

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Okay...what about it?

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: that's why the queen is 21. *shrugs*

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha ooooooooooooh. Okay. Well she's immortal I guess it doesn't matter XD

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: depending on your veiws of how ambrosia works.

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::shrugs:: At the moment? ::shrugs::

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: some say when eaten they are immortal, others say when eaten they become young again and start aging like they did before they ate it.

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ...No...what I meant is ::looks at her profile:: she is immortal.

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: oh... *blinks* alright then....

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles:: Yeah...sorry about the mix up ::grins:: ^-^ It's okay, happens to me too XD

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *bows slightly* it's alright

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles...taken slightly a quick curtsy:: Quite.

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: ummm why the curtsy? *raises eyebrow*

2006-01-19 [Angelic nightmares]: Awww

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: bowed, it is only good etiquette to be equally polite to the gentleman. ::smiles:: I'm not completely ill-mannered unless I choose to be ^-^

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *raises eyebrow* oh! *smiles* you're thinking the old english type bow, right?

2006-01-19 [Angelic nightmares]: same here!

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: I was thinking of a in a bow given in respect or acknowledgement...not necessarily old English.

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *bows in the Japanese stlye* sorry about the misunderstanding

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: That's still a bow given in respect, and as I am a lady...I would prefer to curtsy rather than bow.

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *twitches slightly* if you insist. *smiles*

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Ahaha, what's wrong? Were you bowing simply to bow?

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: no. *smiles*

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Then why were you bowing?

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: ... i forget now... *thinks about it for a moment*...

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: Ahh moves on past a bow.

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: the action or the weapon?

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::shrugs:: Depends on you're particular vowel sound...::grins::

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *smiles* alright.

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Ahah ^-^

2006-01-19 [Lorric]: *smiles* ... so....

2006-01-19 [Angelic nightmares]: Great! I can actaully see clreay (for the most part) withot my glasses on

2006-01-19 [Bookwyrm]: Yay! ::hugs Michelle:: Congrats! Ahahaha. I'm blind without my glasses.

2006-01-20 [Angelic nightmares]: I could dee clearly, until my eyes adjusted.

2006-01-20 [Lorric]: well that's good to hear. *smiles*

2006-01-20 [Angelic nightmares]: Yeah.......i still need my glasses tho. Cant see with out them.

2006-01-20 [Lorric]: oh... you mean these. *holds out a pair of glasses*

2006-01-20 [Angelic nightmares]: *tackles Eric into a hug, and puts her glasses on* Thanks!

2006-01-22 [Prater]: quick question sexeh Michelle......are ya waitin for enough ppl to start RPin?

2006-01-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Yesh sexeh Liana. Or maybe we could start RPing with the few we have. But the RPing is on The Dragons Lair

2006-01-23 [Prater]: ok

2006-01-23 [Dark Erk]: ô.o *laughs and tilts his head.*

2006-01-23 [Angelic nightmares]: Ish Lianas sexeh Misstress. And hers ish mine!

2006-01-23 [Dark Erk]: *laughs softly*

2006-01-23 [Bookwyrm]: Oh yeah?? Yeah? Well I'm teh Mental Mistress. So there. o.o :P o.o

2006-01-23 [Prater]: yeah!!!!

2006-01-23 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: I'm thinking of changing my ET name to Mental Mistress Panda ::grins::

2006-01-23 [Prater]: Mental Mistress Panda? Has a ring to it.....*bows down to MMP*

2006-01-23 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Precisely. And of course I couldn't be the Metal Mistress as everyone and their mother has that name >.< So I'm the Mental Mistress...And I'm still teh sexeh Panda ^-^

2006-01-23 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins and sits gracefully in her throne of part of broken bones:: That's right. Love me. Love my people.

2006-01-23 [Angelic nightmares]: *huggles her Mental Mistress*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles:: Mwuahahahaha.

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *bows down to the All Powerful mental mistress*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles:: Awww now... ::waves her hand and an equally beautiful bone throne appears through smoke for Michelle to sit in:: Can't have my favorite wolfeh bowing down to me...::grins::

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: You know...every time I see my name now I think "Mental Illness" XD

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: Awww! *jumps up in the Throne and makes herself Comfy* Ya hear that? I'm her favorite Wolfy.

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::grins:: Of course! ::gasps at the thought of you thinking otherwise::

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: Wait *thinks* Ahahaha! I'm your only wolfy!

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: o.o Shhhh! o.o mo.ose

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: OOOO *likes the mo.ose*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: Mwuahahahaha.

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *adores the mo.ose! wants to love on the mo.ose*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles and give you teh mo.ose to love on::

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: ^-^ *loves on the mo.ose, cuddles the mo.ose*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: Ahahaha ^-^

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *grins and offers the mo.ose to her mistress*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles and cuddles teh mo.ose:: MO.OSE!!!

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *laughs and cuddles her favorite mistriss*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::giggles:: Mwuahahaha I'm teh FAVORITE!! ::gets up from her throne and dances::

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *chuckles and joins the dancing*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::laughs and then falls over from exhaustion:: xX_Xx That's right...I have four eyes...

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *helps up her mistress, and offers her any drink of her choosing*

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: Ahh no worries ::hurries to her kitchen, hooking her white apron 'round her neck and begins boiling a teapot of water, looking back at Michelle and grinning:: I'm a little kitchen witch ::giggles:: I disturb myself ^-^

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: *watches her Mistress at work* Tis ok, and completely understandable. ^.^

2006-01-24 [Bookwyrm]: ::pours herself a glass of honey coloured herbal tea, her mug shaped like a lily, the handle like a leaf.:: Pretty mug ^_^

2006-01-24 [Angelic nightmares]: Awww *grabs a glass of milk*

2006-01-25 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ Nice name change...but now your not a wolfeh!! WHAT SHALL I DO?!?!?!!??!! ::pets teh mo.ose.::

2006-01-25 [Prater]: I gave her the name!!!!

2006-01-25 [Bookwyrm]: lol Awesomeness. Then ::curtsies:: Nice name change Raven XD

2006-01-25 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm still a wolfeh! ILL ALWAYS BE A WOLFEH!

2006-01-25 [Prater]: me?

2006-01-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Yeah you. Cause you gave me the name.

2006-01-26 [Bookwyrm]: ::snort:: EVERYONE BEH CONFUSED!!! ::looks around because everyone is already confused:: Ish, it's a pretty name. And ish, you always will be a wolfeh ^-^ And I'll always be the sexeh panda lmao.

2006-01-26 [Angelic nightmares]: *hugs Traci* Meh Sexy panda.

2006-01-26 [Dark Erk]: *lifts an eyebrow* Mo.ose?

2006-01-26 [Angelic nightmares]: YESH! MO.OSE!!!1

2006-01-27 [Bookwyrm]: ISH! IT IS TEH MO.OSE!!!1!!!!11!!!!1!

2006-01-27 [Angelic nightmares]: *hugggles Traci and loves the Mo.ose*

2006-01-27 [Bookwyrm]: Mwuahaha. Guns don't kill people...dangerous minorities do...XD

2006-01-30 [Dark Erk]: *turns away from them both, as to hide his tears*

2006-01-30 [Angelic nightmares]: -shakes her head, and mumbles something, then shimmers out-

2006-01-30 [Bookwyrm]: ::dances around in a little Jester outfit...even though she's not the make people happy::

2006-01-30 [-dot-]: *joins in on the dance in his own jester outfit.. seeing as he is the jester*

2006-01-30 [Lorric]: .... he's funny... looking

2006-01-30 [Bookwyrm]: Mwuahahaha! Dance! Dance with the mo.ose! ::chuckles and tosses the mo.ose to the Jester:: Mwuahahaha.

2006-01-30 [Angelic nightmares]: -steals the mo.ose from Ray, and luffs on it-

2006-01-30 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: See? The mo.ose is the ultimate good. Everyone luffs teh mo.ose.

2006-01-30 [Angelic nightmares]: -snuggles the mo.ose. luffs the mo.ose. thinks about doing other things with the mo.ose-

2006-01-30 [Bookwyrm]: LMAO Now now. The mo.ose is innocent. And he should always remain innocent XD

2006-01-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Otay then. -snuggles the mo.ose. luffs the mo.ose-

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]: Mwuahaha ^-^ Ish. Luff teh mo.ose. ^-^

2006-01-31 [night shade]: so when are we going to have enough people to start this rpg

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]: ::shrugs::

2006-01-31 [Angelic nightmares]: Hopfully soon. Not many people want to join.......

2006-01-31 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah but tons of people joined your fan club ::pokes:: SO BE HAPPY! ::dances::

2006-02-01 [Angelic nightmares]: I ish happy!

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: Mwuahahaha ^-^ Oh pimp! A pagan guard on elfpack (the creator of Playgans) Actually complimented The Wiccaning I feel so SPECIAL!! ::giggles::

2006-02-01 [Angelic nightmares]: Awww! -hands Traci a sticker stating that shes Special-

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::gasps:: I know the stable boy didn't steal that name...FOR SHAME! Eric Draven was NOT BLONDE! ::chuckles:: Joke, joke.

2006-02-01 [Angelic nightmares]: I know..I gave him the name......

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: Ahah x_x Good movie though x_x

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: WAIT ::glomps:: YOU GAVE ME A STICKER! w00t! MO.OSE ME! ::dances:: I'm special! HAH!

2006-02-01 [Angelic nightmares]: Awesome movie! Yesh I handed my Sexeh Traci a sticker!

2006-02-01 [Bookwyrm]: ::dances:: Ish! I got a stiiiicker...I got a stiiicker...I got a stiiiiiicker ::sticks her tongue out at everyone else:: HAH! ::dances and sings again::

2006-06-05 [KnightAngel]: Can I join? o.o

2006-06-05 [Angelic nightmares]: Sure, go right ahead

2006-06-05 [KnightAngel]: Okay, have added it... You like? ^^'

2006-06-06 [night shade]: so when are we going to start rping

2006-06-07 [Angelic nightmares]: At any time I guess

2007-02-10 [Dark Erk]: I noticed I was removed.

2007-02-10 [Angelic nightmares]: Oh Christ Devin. I removed alot of people.

2007-02-11 [-dot-]: thata nd no one likes Devin

2007-02-15 [Dark Erk]: I didn't say anything except that I noticed I was removed. I was curious as to why.

2007-02-16 [-dot-]: and no one likes you is why. You're lil Jess aint gonna like you for long. For some reason, girls don't like when their 'boyfriend' professes their undying love for another girl.

2007-02-16 [-dot-]: and Devin needs to stay removed.

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